COVID-19 Discount: You still need marketing, design and web services, and we’re here to help!

At Vervex, we understand that the present situation is causing a reduction in sales and services revenue of most businesses out there. We are facing a worldwide pandemic of COVID-19, a crisis most of us never imagined and could not have prepared for.
We understand the excruciatingly difficult decisions several company leaders had to take these past few weeks in order to stay afloat, cutting the pay of many full-time employees and letting go of some staff. We also understand that while most Americans are self-isolating and taking precautionary measures to slow the spread of this life-altering virus, many companies are still providing essential services to their customers. Amidst this crisis, we’re here to help.
We are ready to work with local and national companies to build business solutions that work in a climate of preventive measures and social distancing. During these times, we keep providing cutting edge design and web development solutions for small and medium sized businesses and startups.
This period of self-quarantine is the best time to invest in ecommerce and website solutions. While many brick and mortar businesses are witnessing a decrease in foot traffic, online stores are readying themselves for sustained or increased traffic. Many among your potential target audience are captive and at home, and while the market shows less consumer spending overall, some sectors are thriving. This is a great time to build or update an online store.
A decline in brick-and-mortar retail, which comprises over 85% of US retail sales, could shift day-to-day shopping to digital channels, like Amazon or other e-tailers, and boost sales – effects already seen by providers like RedMart in Singapore, per CNBC. —
Until the COVID-19 crisis is under control, or alternatively until June 2020, we are offering all new clients a 30% off discount on all website design & web development projects. We are also offering a BOGO on all hours of business consulting and creative consulting with Vervex.
We are committed to the success of all our clients and we are here to support you during these difficult times. We want for all businesses to make it out alive and thrive.
Contact us today to redeem this offer and begin your journey towards growth!